lettere informali

Lettere informali: Lettera di auguri di pronta guarigione

Ecco, come scrivere una lettera di auguri di pronta guarigione.

Get-well letter – Lettera di auguri di pronta guarigione

Ecco, come scrivere una lettera di auguri di pronta guarigione.


Dear Samantha,

We are so sorry to hear of your accident. John and I had been wondering why we hadn’t seen you lately. I’m glad it wasn’t any worse than it was. You should be more careful in the future. Cleaning the windows is a dangerous job. We hope to visit you next week as we drive to Jacksonville. If there is anything we can bring you to make your days pass more easily, just phone us or write a message on Facebook and we will be glad to bring it. I sincerely hope you are comfortable and that you are not worrying too much about work and the children. We know you are in good hands with Dr. Miller. I had only good experiences with him when I spent two weeks in hospital last year after falling off the ladder and breaking my wrist and ankle. He is an excellent surgeon. But I didn’t like hospital food so next week we are bringing you something delicious and nutritious.

Get well soon.

With love,


get well

Traduci le seguenti frasi in inglese:

  1. Mi dispiace molto che sei malato/a.
  2. Dovresti stare più attento/a in futuro.
  3. Speriamo di venire a visitarti settimana prossima.
  4. Se c’è qualche modo in cui possiamo aiutarti diccelo!
  5. Spero sinceramente che tu stia meglio presto.
  6. Non ti preoccupare per il tuo lavoro!
  7. So che sei in buone mani.
  8. Ho avuto solo buone esperienze con il dottore.
  9. È un chirurgo eccellente.
  10. Riprenditi presto!


  1. I am so sorry that you are sick/ill.
  2. Be/you should be more careful in the future.
  3. We hope to visit you next week.
  4. If there is anything we can help just tell us.
  5. I sincerely hope that you are soon getting better.
  6. Don’t worry about your work.
  7. I know that you are in good hands.
  8. I have had/I had only good experiences with the doctor.
  9. He is an excellent surgeon.
  10. Get well soon.

get-well letter – lettera di auguri di pronta guarigione
to wonder – chiedersi
I’m glad it wasn’t any worse than it was – Sono contento che non sia andata peggio di quanto è stato
to make your days pass more easily – far passare più facilmente i tuoi giorni
I sincerely hope – spero sinceramente
to be in good hands – essere in buone mani
experience – esperienza
ladder – scala
wrist – polso
ankle – caviglia
surgeon – chirurgo
delicious – delizioso
nutritious – nutriente
Get well soon. – Riprenditi presto!



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