Fare shopping/la spesa

FARE SHOPPING/LA SPESA – At the greengrocer’s – Dal fruttivendolo

Per comprare frutta e verdura, devi andare dal fruttivendolo. Vediamo come farlo in inglese.

Good morning.

Greengrocer: Good morning.
Woman: Do you have any nice bananas?
Greengrocer: Unfortunately they are not very good, they are not ripe enough. Why don’t you take some cherries? They’ve just arrived.
Woman: I was going to make some banana bread, but all right, I’ll take some cherries and bake a nice cherry pie instead.
Greengrocer: How much do you need?
Woman: One and a half a kilo is enough. I’d also like 6 tomatoes, 3 bell peppers, a box of asparagus, and bag of spinach.
Greengrocer: Here they are. Anything else, madam?
Woman: Yes, give me two kilos of baking potatoes, too, please.
Greengrocer: All right. Is that all?
Woman: Yes.
Greengrocer: £18, please.


Do you have any …? – Avete …?
Unfortunately they are not very good.Purtroppo non sono molto buoni.
They are not ripe enough.Non sono abbastanza maturi.
Why don’t you take some …?Perché non prende un po’ di…?
They’ve just arrived.Sono appena arrivati.
I’ll take some … .Prenderò un po’ di….
How much do you need?Quanti/e ve ne servono?
Here they are.Ecco qua / Ecco a Lei.
Anything else? Qualcos’altro?
Give me … .Mi dia….
All right.Va bene.
Is that all?E tutto?


unfortunately purtroppo / sfortunatamente
to arrivearrivare
banana bread plumcake alla banana
to bake a piecucinare una torta al forno
insteadinvece / al posto di
to needservire / essere necessario
bell pepperpeperone
bag – busta
baking potatopatate al forno


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