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Dialoghi utili: Chiamare un idraulico

Da questo dialogo impariamo come chiamare un idraulico in inglese. Ascolta anche l’audio!

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Woman: Hello. This is Mrs Collins. I’d like to talk to Mr Green.
Plumber: Peter Green speaking.
Woman: Hello Mr Green. This is Mrs Collins. I’m having a lot of plumbing problems. Could you come out to have a look at them?
Plumber: Yes, of course. But first, could you please tell me what the problems are.
Woman: Well, the most important problem is the toilet.  It won’t flush and it’s overflowing.
Plumber: What else?
Woman: The sink in the kitchen is blocked up and the pipes underneath the sink are leaking.
Plumber: A blocked sink and leaking pipes in the kitchen.  Anything else?
Woman: Also the plughole in the shower is stuck and I can’t shut off the water. Can you fix the problems today? This situation is really annoying.
Plumber: Unfortunately, I’m fully booked for today.
Woman: All right, then.
Plumber: Can you give me your exact address?
Woman: It’s 324 Oak Street.
Plumber: Thank you madam. See you tomorrow.


I’d like to talk to … . Vorrei parlare con … .
… speaking.  – … che parla.
I’m having a lot of … problems.Sto avendo un sacco di problemi con … .
Could you come out to have a look at them?Potrebbe venire a dargli un’occhiata?

Could you tell me what the problems are?Mi potrebbe dire quali sono i problemi?
Can you fix the problems today?Può riparare i guasti oggi?
This situation is really annoying.La situazione è davvero fastidiosa.
I’m fully booked.Sono completamente pieno di impegni.
Can you give me your exact address?Mi può dare il suo indirizzo esatto?

plumbingtubazioni, tubature
to flushscaricare
to overflowstraripare
to be blocked upessere intasato
underneath … sotto …
to leakperdere, fuoriuscire, far filtrare
plughole – scarico
to be stuck – essere bloccato
to shut off water – chiudere l’acqua
to fixriparare


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