
‘Come together for Christmas’ with Wes Anderson

The work of Wes Anderson isn’t hard to identify if you know what to look for: He has a soft spot for smooth tracking shots, festive color palettes, and quality hats. All of this is on display in the short film “Come Together,” a new holiday commercial from H&M directed by the iconic filmmaker. Wes Anderson, the writer and director of films including Rushmore, The Grand Budapest Hotel and The Royal Tenenbaums, has created a four-minute short film for the retailer starring Adrien Brody.

Like Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited, the Christmas ad is set aboard a sleeper train.  It is shot in the retro pastel tones of the Royal Tenenbaums and The Darjeeling Limited.

Adrien Brody. the star of Darjeeling Limited (2007) finds himself on a train once more, this time as the conductor. After announcing to passengers on the “H&M Lines Winter Express” that train delays will interfere with their holiday plans, he invites everyone for hot cocoa in the cafe car. The train has run into problems travelling through a wintery landscape, meaning its passengers won’t make it home for Christmas – so it’s up to the train staff to make the best of it for those separated from their loved ones.

The scene ends with the train’s unaccompanied minor walking into a makeshift winter wonderland as John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas” plays in the background.

With Andserson’s trademark symmetry and composition, it looks fantastic and packs a real emotional punch, and viewers have been heaping on praise via social media.

Brody said: “This story may resonate more than ever at a time in the world where we could all do with giving a stranger a hug.”

source: mentalfloss, The Telegraph

Match the verbs and their opposites.

1. to look for a. to do without
2. to do with b. to destroy
3. to include c. to find
4. to create d. to unite
5. to separate e. to exclude


1. c.

2. a.

3. e.

4. b.

5. d.


to identify identificare
to have a soft spot for sg avere un debole per
smooth raffinato, liscio
tracking shot carrellata
festive festivo
commercial pubblicitá
aboard a sleeper train a bordo di un vagone letto
conductor conduttore
to announce annunciare
delay ritardo
to interfere with interferire, ostacolare
landscape paesaggio, panorama
it’s up to sy sta a qualcuno
to make the best of it fare il meglio possibile
separated separato
unaccompanied solo, non accompagnato
minor minore
makeshift improvvisato
wonderland posto di sogno, paese delle meraviglie
in the background sullo sfondo
emotional emozionante
punch pugno
to heap ricoprire qualcuno di qualcosa
to resonate risuonare
we could all do with a tutti noi servirebbe (qualcosa)
hug abbraccio




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