
Bruce Springsteen: Streets of Philadelphia

Una delle canzoni più belle e famose del Boss, nonché Premio Oscar nel 1994 per il magnifico film Philadelphia. Parliamo di Streets of Philadelphia e di Bruce Springsteen, naturalmente! Ascoltiamo la canzone e facciamo l’esercizio abbinato.


I was bruised and battered, I couldn’t tell what I felt.
I was unrecognizable to myself.
I saw my reflection in a window, I didn’t know my own face.
Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin’ away
On the Streets of Philadelphia.

I walked the avenue, ‘til my legs felt like stone,
I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone,
At night I could hear the blood in my veins,
Black and whispering as the rain,
On the Streets of Philadelphia.

Ain’t no angel gonna greet me.
It’s just you and I my friend.
My clothes don’t fit me no more,
I walked a thousand miles
Just to slip this skin.

The night has fallen, I’m lyin’ awake,
I can feel myself fading away,
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss,
Or will we leave each other alone like this
On the Streets of Philadelphia.


bruised – ferito, ammaccato

battered – maltrattato, malconcio

unrecognizable – irriconoscibile

reflection – riflesso

to waste away – deperire

to vanish – svanire

vein – vena

whispering – sussurrante, mormorante

angel – angelo

to slip this skin – fuggire da questa pelle

to lie awake – giacere sveglio, essere sdraiato restando sveglio

to fade away – svanire

faithless – senza speranza

Can you find the English equivalent of the following Italian sentences in the lyrics of the song?

1.Vedo il mio riflesso alla finestra

2.Ho camminato mille miglia

3.La notte è scesa

4.Non riconoscevo me stesso.

5.Nero e sussurrante come la pioggia.

6.Non potevo dire quel che sentivo.


1. I saw my reflection in a window.

2. I walked a thousand miles.

3. The night has fallen.

4. I was unrecognizable to myself.

5. Black and whispering as the rain.

6. I couldn’t tell what I felt. 


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