
Lettura e vocabolario – L’eccezionale nevicata sull’Italia

Forse un po’ in ritardo, ma eccovi un articolo (con vocabolario ed esercizio) sull’eccezionale nevicata sull’Italia!

Rome is covered in a blanket of snow. The Italian capital woke up to this sight. After an Arctic storm dusted it with snow overnight. It is the heaviest snowfall in the past six years leaving a few inches of snow in the streets. Most of the schools are closed and public transport services are reduced. The army was sent to help clear the streets but Romans are enjoying every bit of snow! From just playing around in the squares to skiing down the hills at the Circo Massimo. But Rome isn’t the only city covered in snow. Lots of Northern European cities have been hit by the Arctic blast. Temperatures are unusually low for this time of the year making it the coldest winter in almost a decade. But the cold comes with some perks: like these stunning images of Rome. It is so beautiful!

Snow idioms and expressions. Can you match them with their meaning?

1. flurry a. to be overwhelmed with work
2. blizzard b. a story or excuse which is untrue
3. to be snowed under c. a light amount of snow
4. slush d. partially melted snow
5. a snow job e. snowstorm with heavy wind


1. c.

2. e.

3. a.

4. d.

5. b.

to be covered essere coperto
blanket of snow coperta di neve
to dust spolverare
overnight durante la note
snowfall nevicata
to reduce ridurre
army esercito
blast esplosione, scoppio
decade decennio
perk gratifica
stunning splendido
image immagine


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